Caught and Cornered, but Will They Change?
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An interesting article was published on The Gateway Pundit, titled “Private NYC School Director Who Bragged About ‘Sneaking’ Left-Wing Political Agenda Into Classrooms Placed on Leave After Project Veritas Exposé.” It dives into recordings taken of a director at a private school and an assistant principal at an elementary school, revealing their admissions of discriminating against students with opposing beliefs.
Before unpacking this article, it's essential to evaluate the credibility of news sources. Dramatic headlines often sell, and gross exaggerations and misrepresentations of truth are becoming increasingly common in today’s media.
That being said, the blatant disregard for human rights and open prejudice displayed in this article is worth discussing. If there is no outcry against these forms of discrimination, they are likely to continue and escalate.

Jennifer Norris, the Director of Student Activities at Trinity School NYC, was caught on tape stating that she does not allow Republican opinions on her campus. She expressed disdain for certain students, saying:
"Unfortunately, it’s the white boys who feel very entitled to express their opposite opinions and just push back. There’s a huge contingent of them that are just horrible. And you’re like, ‘Are you always going to be horrible, or are you just going to be horrible right now?’ I don’t know…I think they need to go. I think they’re really awful people…They’re so protected by capitalism. It makes me sad."
The most alarming statement here is when Norris claims, "they need to go." What does she mean by that? Should they leave the campus or no longer exist? Why does she believe she can discriminate against students based on their color and sex? Does she think that capitalism protects white males? Does this imply that communism or another extreme social ideology is the solution? Surely, communism isn't the answer to protecting women.
It’s astonishing that a person with such views holds a directorial position in a private school where parents pay significant tuition, trusting they will receive a quality education.
In response to the backlash following her statements, the school placed Jennifer Norris on paid leave while an investigation is conducted. However, their initial correspondence to parents claimed that the recordings were made without her knowledge by someone misrepresenting themselves (the undercover reporter). The letter concluded by stating that "our community stands for and strives to live up to higher ideals - love, respect, and inclusion."
Herein lies the ironic contradiction; inclusion means welcoming everyone. However, it’s evident that for some educators, inclusion equates to welcoming one group while excluding another.
One must wonder: Would Norris have faced the same consequences if she had spoken similarly about African-American female students? Or Hispanic males? Should we genuinely believe that the school was unaware of her prejudiced ideologies? She openly stated them in what she perceived as casual conversation.

The article also recounts the experience of Jeremy Boland, an assistant principal at Cos Cob Elementary School, who openly admitted to avoiding hiring Catholics. He stated a preference for hiring progressive teachers under the age of 30.
This reflects discrimination based on age and religion, as Boland aims to cultivate a school environment that caters solely to leftist ideologies. Again, one must question how Cos Cob Elementary School remained oblivious to Boland's prejudices. As an assistant principal, he clearly wielded influence in hiring decisions.
Would his punishment have been the same if he claimed not to hire women or Muslims?
As an update, Norris has been removed from her position at Trinity School NYC, while the final decision regarding Boland at Cos Cob Elementary remains unclear. Both schools assert that they do not support discrimination in any form, which are admirable ideals, especially when one of their own has been caught violating them.
For someone with such obvious bias to thrive within these institutions, there must logically be some level of sympathy for these beliefs within the system. Now that these prejudices have been exposed, will the system undergo change? Or will schools scapegoat these educators while continuing to pursue their hidden agendas?
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The Articles
1. “Private NYC School Director Who Bragged About ‘Sneaking’ Left-Wing Political Agenda Into Classrooms Placed on Leave After Project Veritas Exposé”, accessed December 25, 2022,
2. "Liberal staffer out at NYC’s Trinity School after Project Veritas video exposes ‘agenda’", accessed December 25, 2022,